Panipat District in Haryana

Concept Explanation

Panipat District In Haryana

Panipat (Weaver Town)

It is located in the Middle - East of the state. It is Surrounded by Uttar Pradesh in the East, Karnal in the North. Jind in the West and Sonipat district in the South. The Eastern boundary of the district is determined by the Yamuna river

Brief Information

Establishment 1st November 1989
Area 1268 sq km
Headquarter Panipat
Population 1205437 (Maie-646857 Female-558580)
Decadal Growth Rate 24 3%
Sex Rate 24.3%
Literacy Rate 77 5% (Male Literacy 85 4% Female Literacy-68 226)
Population Density 951 Person/sq km
Tehsil (3)  Panipat, Samalkha, Israna
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